Application Form

Full Name

Date of Birth

Home Address




Select Box if shipping address is the same as the home address.

Shipping Address

Shipping City

Shipping State

Shipping Zip Code


Phone Number

Cell Phone Number (ex: 0000000000)

**You will be texted with application updates

Shirt size


What is your home lake or river?

Your most targeted species?

Do you fish any tournament trails?

How many tournaments do you fish every year?

Do you fish saltwater?

Do you have access to a boat?

Have you used our products?

Which of our product use most?

Please share your experience with our products

Which social media platforms do you interact with?

How many fans, friends or followers do you have on each site? (approximately)

Number of Facebook followers(Personal Page)

Link to your Facebook Personal page

Number of Facebook followers(FAN Page)

Link to your Facebook
Fan page

Number of Twitter followers.

Link to your Twitter page

Number of Instagram followers.

Link to your Instagram page

Do you ever video your fishing trips and post the videos to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Youtube?

Do you have other sponsors?


If so, please list them below.

Why do you want to be a part of our pro staff program?

Is there any other information about yourself you would like to share?

Please attach an image of you holding one of our products

1 MB Max allowed.

If you would like to share any videos, please input the link here

Top moments in your fishing career (tournaments, big fish, etc…)

I understand that this is simply an application to the pro staff and that acceptance or rejection will come after the sponsor has been able to review my application.

Some sponsors will run a background check on their applicants. By clicking this box you are consenting to the sponsor running a background check.